Friday, May 26, 2023

Discover the Health Benefits of Roasted Seaweed (Also Known as Nori)


Discover the Health Benefits of Roasted Seaweed (Also Known as Nori)

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In Japan, nori seaweed used to be the generic term for all seaweeds.

It now represents the edible seaweed species of Porphyra (red algae, cold water seaweed), according to Wikipedia.

The roasted seaweed product is made by shredding, drying, and roasting the nori seaweed, similar to the process of making paper. The end product is a thin (like paper) black or green sheet of around 18 by 20 cm.

What’s good about this manufacturing process is that not much else is added apart from a bit of oil and (sea) salt.

So, roasted seaweed is almost pure, with only a few extra ingredients added to make it crunchy. And that makes it an excellent alternative to potato chips as a snack, for example.

Surprisingly, Nori seaweed is actually classified as a vegetable, or rather, a sea vegetable.

Many of us may never have tasted seaweed before, but the Japanese have been eating this food for centuries. They appreciate nori as being a food of longevity.

With quite an impressive nutritional profile, here are some of the benefits of eating roasted seaweed regularly.

1. High in Iodine

Roasted seaweed (or any type of seaweed, for that matter) is a rich source of iodine. Iodine is a mineral that is essential for your metabolism and helps your thyroid gland to function the way it should be.

One sheet of nori contains around half of the daily recommended intake of iodine.

2. Source of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 supports the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and helps form red blood cells. Edible algae in general, including nori and also spirulina, is a great source of vitamin B12.

3. High in Potassium

Potassium is a mineral that helps lower your blood pressure and lowers your risk of stroke and heart disease. Nori contains 50 mg of potassium per 1 sheet.

4. Contains Protein and Fiber

While the amounts are, of course, not super high, roasted seaweed does contain some protein and fiber.

5. Low in Calories and Saturated Fat

Roasted seaweed is incredibly low in calories, with one sheet, on average, containing only five calories. The amount of fat in nori is almost negligible.

6. Delicious Taste

This is, of course, not a health benefit, but the delicious taste of roasted seaweed makes it so much easier to eat it as a healthy afternoon work snack. The taste and texture are unique, making it hard to compare with anything else.

Nowadays, you should be able to find roasted seaweed in any major grocery store or otherwise at your local Asian supermarket. You can also find it online, on eBay or Amazon, for example.

But perhaps your best option is to go to a Japanese restaurant and indulge in some delicious, freshly prepared sushi.

If you get roasted seaweed chips from the supermarket as a snack, make sure you read the label carefully. The list of ingredients should be short and simple.

It should really only contain seaweed, vegetable oil (or any other type of oil), and (sea) salt.

Watch out for extra ingredients such as added sugar or other artificial surprises. I would also recommend buying organic if possible.

Another thing to watch out for when buying sushi nori is the transparency and color. There are various types of roasted seaweed, and the darker the color and the less transparent they are, the better the quality.

As with so many things in life, sometimes it pays to spend a little bit more.

There are different ways to eat roasted seaweed, and sushi is probably the most popular. You can get sushi anywhere these days but if you get it as take-away, make sure it’s still fresh.

Simply check the color of the ingredients and check if the seaweed still looks crunchy enough.

Another way to eat roasted seaweed is to crumble it into very small pieces and add it to your favorite recipes. You can also sprinkle it over salads for an extra bit of flavor and decoration.

Roasted seaweed also works great as a snack by itself. It’s light, it’s easy to carry around with you, and it’s super delicious.

So, for your next afternoon snack, why not leave your chocolate bar or potato chips at home and try roasted seaweed sheets instead. I find roasted seaweed as a snack to be quite satisfying.

Roasted seaweed is just one of many different types of edible seaweeds available out there.

Let’s go through some of the other popular seaweed snacks.

  • Kelp:
    Very rich in iodine and calcium, kelp is probably the most popular and most available type of seaweed.
  • Arame:
    Arame, also known as sea oak, is a type of kelp. Arama has a brown color and has a mild, sweet flavor, which makes it popular as a side dish.
  • Kombu:
    Kombu is also a type of kelp that can be eaten fresh as sashimi or in a dried form.
  • Wakame:
    Wakama, a dark leafy green, is another popular edible seaweed that you will often find in Japanese recipes. It has a similar nutritional profile as kelp, rich in iodine, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Dulse:
    Dulse is a red-colored edible seaweed (red algae) and is a popular snack food. Perhaps it is not as rich in iodine as kelp, but it has high amounts of dietary fiber, magnesium, and calcium.

Nori, or any type of seaweed, is a very nutritious sea vegetable that can be a great addition to your diet.

The roasted seaweed version is widely available and is an excellent alternative to other, not-so-healthy, snacks you may be eating during the day.

The health benefits of roasted seaweed are actually quite surprising. So if you’ve never eaten it before, I hope this article has inspired you to try nori or one of the other seaweed snacks.

Who knows, you may find that it is the perfect afternoon snack for you.

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